The beginning of Q2 2016 is behind us and with it the premiere of the new version of the software for dcms mote ethernet devices.
Version 4.xx include many changes and improvements but the most significant changes are:
– the division of the firmware into two branches: for devices working in standalone mode and for devices working with dcms gateway,
– adding data-logger functionality,
– the ability to view historical data using a browser, and export it to CSV file,
– automatic cyclic reports with informations about measurements,
– mini-display functionality allows to present the data from several dcms mote devices into one dashboard.
Working in the mode data-logger lets you treat the device as a data recorder.
This functionality enhances the number of possible use cases of dcms mote ethernet devices, not only in IT environments but also:
– pharmacy,
– warehouses,
– agriculture,
and many other where storing the historical data is crucial.
The functionality of a mini-display perfectly fits in small installations where there is no need to install the entire dcms environment, but there is a need for continuous visual monitoring of environmental parameters.
The mini-display function allows for continous reading data from the four dcms mote ethernet devices and display them into single dashboard. The launch of this functionality is possible on each device having web browser starting from smartphone, tablet up to Smart TVs.