At the end of May 2019, we released the latest version of our flagship product - systemONE.
As always the current version (v2.12) brings many changes and improvements, greatly expanding the capabilities of our solution.
systemONE solution is not only a solution for monitoring IT environments but also a system that helps in aggregation of measurement data in industry, pharmaceuticals, warehouses and many more.
The latest release of systemONE brings many important changes, among which we can distinguish:
- changed layout of displaying sensors in objects along with a new view of graphs in objects enabling, among others, displaying trends of measurements,
- acceleration of acquiring data from the Modbus / TCP protocol along with the FastView functionality supporting integrators during implementations,
- the ability to create active areas in views (quick links) to redirect to other views.
In addition, we would like to emphasize that since version 2.11 systemONE solution is available in Polish and English language version.